Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Exciting News!!! Need Glue????

Hi everyone!!!
Sorry I have been MIA for a while. I have been hard at work creating beautiful mosaic projects that are just making me sooo happy! If you have read my previous posts, you know that I love pretty things, shiny things, and I love to create them.

The reason I haven't posted pictures lately about my works is that my computer wasn't working. Specifically the part of my computer that allows me to upload pictures. And describing the things I have been creating without a picture was too depressing a situation to even contemplate, so I just buried myself into the studio and just kept right on creating. (also, I found I needed to get a job that allowed me to pay taxes, and believe me, substitute teaching does not leave you with a whole lot of free time or energy)

But enough with the excuses. I am almost ready to share my creations, which include a garden stone created for my pastor and his family, and a series of stained glass recreations of local Chesapeake Bay lighthouses.

But before I get to that, let's go back to my reason for making this post: Glue!!! Do you use glue for your creations??? Are you running out of glue constantly the way I am??? Have you ever thought, "I wish someone would just give me a whole lot of glue?" Well, you are in luck. Tiffany Windsor, master crafter and daughter of Aleene Jackson of Aleene's Tacky Glue fame, is giving away a HUGE assortment of famous Aleene's Tacky Glue in celebration of launching her new Cool2Craft newsletter at Just click on the following link for details:

Contest ends February 27, and it is right now the 23rd, so hurry up and get your entry in!!!!

And I'll be back with those mosaics soon, I promise ; )

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